Is Your Child’s Reading Difficulty Linked to Hearing Loss?

New study investigates link between undiagnosed hearing loss and literacy

When children aren’t hearing correctly, it may affect their reading skills, according to a study by British researchers.

The study looked at the connection between reading and writing difficulties and hearing problems. The researchers tested children aged 8-10 with either reading problems or a history of repeated ear infections.

It found that 25% of those with reading difficulties also had an undiagnosed mild to moderate hearing loss. Furthermore the study found that of those with reading difficulties nine out of a total of 36 children had some degree of hearing loss. Among the children with a history of repeated ear infections, one-third of them had problems with reading and writing, the study shows.

For all of the children, neither parents nor teachers reported any suspected hearing loss. If your student is having challenges with reading or writing, it may make sense to have a hearing evaluation to rule out hearing loss as a factor.

Talk to us at Sound Hearing Care for more information about how we can help.


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