Sound Hearing Care

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Resource for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

According to the National Deaf Center of Postsecondary Outcomes, deaf and hard-of-hearing students are increasingly favoring online courses. This surge in popularity may be attributed to the convenience of accessing crucial accommodations such as online captioning and ASL interpreters, resulting in a more inclusive learning environment.

Nonetheless, deaf and hard-of-hearing students still face obstacles when it comes to navigating online education. To address this, has developed a comprehensive handbook to empower them with essential knowledge. Their guide encompasses vital subjects like online accommodations in adherence to the American Disabilities Act, popular listening devices, useful applications, available scholarships, and more.

Additionally, they have thoughtfully compiled a list of the top 5 colleges catering to students with hearing disabilities, alongside other valuable resources.

If you’re interested in reading more, click the link below to explore the guide.